Arrangements for Outsourcing

Agreement Regarding Hourly Wages for Outsourcing Researchers

The following fee structure will be enacted when a research request is made to our company.

Arrangements for Outsourcing

Enacted April 1, 2020
Grancell Inc.
Okuda Moeri, CEO

Agreement Regarding Hourly Wages for Outsourcing Researchers

The following is the arrangement regarding the hourly wages for Grancell Inc.’s directors, employees (including contract employees) and part-timers that will be charged to the consignor when employees are outsourced to work as researchers.

The hourly wages are determined based on the following principles, and will be revised in response to changes in the environment.

  1. 1.Direct labor costs
  2. 2.Employee benefits (Social Insurance, Employment Insurance, etc.) Indirect costs
  3. 3.Indirect expenses
  4. 4.Other

Position: Hourly Wages: (excl. tax) Remarks:
Senior Researcher ¥5,000 Includes travel time
Researcher ¥4,500 Includes travel time
Assistant Researcher ¥3,000 Includes travel time
Administrative Services ¥1,500 Travel time not included

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